
I lived in a 4 bedroom punk house for 5 years on Desplaines st. For most of that time it was called “The Plaines Project”, it was briefly called “Kissy World” before being changed to “The Planet” (after the bar in the L word) then finally the “Planet Malevolent”. For most of those years my bedroom was a large pink room that used to be a living room when the house was originally two apartments. It had two large sliding doors that opened to the kitchen. It had a small green room attached that I slept in. This house had been a DIY artist run space for 20 plus years. Due to the gentrifying of the neighborhood the shady landlord did the inevitable and told us to leave so she could sell the building. I did a final performance in my room to "Suspended in Gaffa" by Kate Bush, taped to the walls and ceiling with gaff tape and surrounded by Glambrand products. The audience filled my kitchen looking in to my bedroom.
